Dr. PRIYADARSHINI has special interest in ADVANCED DENTAL TREATMENT with latest & trending treatment options . She has cumulative experience of more than 15 years with a large patient base in DELHI NCR AND ABROAD.
Dr. Khushbu is also very popular with children who are fascinated by her friendly and easy approach. Her pediatric patients are a delight, and start from the age of 2 years onwards. She has successfully been treating kids with restorations, pulpotomies, extractions etc.
She has already rehabilitated many patients by implanting the teeth and giving them a fresh lease of lifestyle. Her patients are not only the local residents of but from the various embassies, visiting and resident foreigners. Her name has been travelling far and wide on account of her very amicable and patient style of working. Her work focuses primarily on IMMEDIATE LOADING IMPLANT and COSMETIC Dentistry.
- One of those few dentists in the Country to be trained in various areas of dentistry.
- A Pedodontist, implantologist, surgeon of high repute, acclaim and recognition.
- Pediatric(child) dentist with high clinical prowess.
- Dentist for special needs children.
- Comprehensive education in behaviour management,sedation and anaesthesia techniques.
- Trained in advanced rotary single sitting root canal.